Terry Strickland

Terry Strickland’s oil paintings, classified as Contemporary Realism, are a combination of technical mastery and depth of content. The paintings are highly realistic, thought provoking in their concepts and imbued with imagination and poignance.
Terry teaches on-going oil painting classes at Forstall Art Center in Birmignham, AL, oil workshops in the Southeast as well as Internationally in Florence, Italy.
Her work has received recognition from, appeared in or been written about by: The Huffington Post, The Artist’s Magazine, Drawing Magazine, American Art Collector, The Art Renewal Center, The Portrait Society of America, International Artist Magazine, Huntsville Museum of Art, the Mobile Museum of Art, and others.
Terry teaches on-going oil painting classes at Forstall Art Center in Birmignham, AL, oil workshops in the Southeast as well as Internationally in Florence, Italy.
Her work has received recognition from, appeared in or been written about by: The Huffington Post, The Artist’s Magazine, Drawing Magazine, American Art Collector, The Art Renewal Center, The Portrait Society of America, International Artist Magazine, Huntsville Museum of Art, the Mobile Museum of Art, and others.